mars' journal
past journal entries
Heyy y'allll It's (somehow) not been too long!! (A month and a bit is not that long for my standards)
So it's half term now, I've mainly been chilling bcuz I have very minimal hw, I'll probably put the most effort into my Spanish and compsci hw. Not a whole lot's happened since the last update tbh; I actually saw Dear Evan Hansen last month! It was soo good and so awesome live, I was super close to the stage which was surreal everything was so cool I literally love performing arts. Which also reminds me I'm planning on seeing Moulin Rouge with my friends next year!! Tickets aren't on sale yet but once they are I'm gonna try get our Hamilton group back together to go watch this
Another exciting update is that I'M SEEING SET IT OFF IN FEBRUARY!!!! I'm going to their leeds concert I'm actually so excitedddd
Tbh I really don't have a lot more to say so byeee see u guys laterrrr
WHAT'S UP GUYS!!! It is now September and I'm about to start year 11..
I don't know why it's taken me so incredibly long to write another update, but here I am!! Since it's just gone past this website's first birthday, I'll do a little recap of what I've been up to this summer. So in true Mars summer fashion, I saw another musical!!! This time I saw Hamilton with the same friends I saw Heathers with + some others!! That's probably the most exciting place I've been but truly the most important part of my summer is that I GOT A GIRLFRIEND AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
She's literally the best ever I love her sm hehehe, we've had a lot of fun this summer and she's just about the only thing I look forward to in this upcoming school year
Anyways, there really hasn't been a lot more. Throughout the year (while I haven't been updating this site) I got a few penpals and I've been writing to them, it's honestly so cool because I'm kind of like online friends with 2 of them as well so it's really cool when we make those like "ooh give me some" jokes and we actually get to do it because we can send each other stuff. I also just love writing and writing letters and doing cool stuff on paper so, this is just absolutely awesome for me, I really hope this is smth I keep going for years to come bcuz I've done a good job of keeping consistent contact with them since March at earliest now. but yea.
That's about all I have to say soo.. BYEBYE!! Hopefully it doesn't take me 5 years to write the next update
Look who's finally paying attention to their website...
sorry guys whoever is actually looking at these. GCSEs have been busying up my life and I'm not even doing most of my exams til next year.. So uh my main page still says in 14 but IM NOT ANYMORE I turned 15 last month but I still need to update it. I'm doing computer science hw rn but I really hate it so instead I came back to this thing. Nothing exciting has happened recently tbh, I mean I booked tickets to see Hamilton this summer. But not much has actually happened. So since I don't have much to say here's just an update to say that I'm alive and well. If you want to interact with me my twitter is @hu0xing. BYEBYE!!!
Hi guys!! its been another.. nearly 3 months.....
anyways here's a little life update!
I got my target grades in my report and they honestly aren't the best I feel like I've let myself down this term, but it can always change by next year yk. If I keep trying I'll achieve what I deserve (cough cough all 9s and a 7 in english). What I know so far is that Spanish and computer science has made my life a living hell and that I'm really glad i didn't choose art...
OH RIGHT I ORDERED NEW GLASSES TODAY!!! Gonna get them in January I think.. but I'll finally be able to see LOLL
yea that's kinda it for my life rn see u guys soon (hopefully)
GUESS WHO FORGOT TO UPDATE THEIR JOURNAL HAHAHAHA.. anyays. It's been about 2 and a half weeks of school. i am SO TIRED but ykw i have some really good classes and really good teachers, i've really got it good for my gcse years. but yea.
On Sunday (the 24th) I saw lovejoy at Rock City Notts and my god that was so cool.. It was the best first concert i had experienced, i love live music esp when its rock and the supporting bands (loupe + good kid) were so awesome as well !!!
some day i'll upload videos and pics HAHA
holy shit last week of summer holidays for me...
in my big years of gcses scary innit /j
yesterday i went with my friends to watch heathers since they came to my city's theatre iT WAS AWESOME!!

i really loved the whole thing ive always liked heathers but i only got the chance to watch it live yesterday. We walked around town trying to find a place to eat for a bit and decided on some chinese style noodles.
anyways besides all that at like 11pm/12am last night i decided to start planning selling and trading photocards. I had always wanted to trade but didnt know how i would approach shipping things then i realised i could just buy my own (or steal some of my dads) envelopes and mailing supplies and just go to the post office. I mean, i have my own money to buy albums, so i can invest some money into mailers and stuff and earn the money back from sales. I'm not expecting many sales to begin with tho. but yea. i really want to do it.
DAY 2 or smth hiihihihi!
still havent found my glasses..
I'm listening to kard on shuffle rn as I'm writing this hehe (STREAM ICKY!!). Last night i remembered about some Spanish summer homework i'm meant to do and i have like a week left of summer holidays so i really need to do that. I don't know how much of it there is... I might be screwed if its like multiple weeks worth of work and stuff. I still have bits i wanna add to this site tho so time to multitask. thank god im good at that :p
How do i add scrollbars n stuff to this stuff ive barely studied html im absolutely winging it with this webiste. I shouldve been allowed to submit this for my final project last year smh
okay ermrmmm after like 5 minutes of messing around i got a little scroll bar working in the box hehe. Now i actually gotta go do this homework buh bye
HEYYYY testing testing hello!!!
okay back to the glasses thing help i alreayd lost them once this yr i had to get new ones bUT NOW IVE OKLOST THE NEW ONES THEYRE KINDA SUPPOSEDLY SOMEWHERE IN MY ROOM BUT I GENUINELY CANT FIND THEM HELP HAHAHAHA.